Saturday, October 11, 2014

Video : Introduction Of WinIon Sanitary Napkin

Video: Introduction Of WinIon Sanitary Napkin

Winalite WinIon Sanitary Napkin (Pad) is the second generation of sanitary pads with anions (negative ion) launched in 2013. WinIon Sanitary Napkin (Pad) is an enhance version from Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Improvement Of WinIon Sanitary Napkin

Winalite has launched an Improve Version (or Second Generation) of Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin at Malaysia in Oct 2013.The name of the Love Moon 2.0 is WinIon Sanitary Napkin. Winion Sanitary Napkin is an improve version with a new name (WinIon), new packaging and new image. The size of the sanitary napkin is adjusted to widened and lengthened, the purpose to the adjustment of the size is to fulfill the the need of the market, especially western customers. The design of WinIon Sanitary Napkin has been improved to create a more comfortable experience to the users.

The material and anion stripe inside sanitary napkin are remain unchanged. The function and benefits of WinIon Sanitary Napkin is same as Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin.

Please visit the improvement of WinIon Sanitary Napkin for more information about the difference between Love Moon and WinIon.

WinIon Sanitary Napkin

Winalite WinIon Sanitary Napkin (Pad) is the second generation of sanitary pads with anions (negative ion) launched in 2013. WinIon Sanitary Napkin (Pad) is an enhance version from Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin.

WinIon has the characteristics of extra powerful absorption and enhanced air ventilation to keep it dry. The high-tech "anion strip" embedded within every single of sanitary napkin is the most important features our sanitary pads. The "anion strip" in WinIon can emit high density of anions with anti-bacterial and deodorization functions, this will give a positive effects for woman's health. The extra powerful absorption layer can allow the liquid absorbed to coagulate immediately to prevent back flow and over flow to make possible free and comfortable movements during menstruation.

WinIon cares for the women especially during their menstrual cycle. With its 7 layers of protection and the power of "anion strip", our Sanitary Napkin offer breathable, and dry with superior comfort during menstruation. WinIon Sanitary Napkin is developed with the highest / international manufacturing standards and quality control. WinIon is using international standard of hygienic testing to ensure every sanitary pad is hypo-allergenic. Every piece of sanitary pad is machine packed and sealed. Our production line of sanitary napkin has never been touched by human hands. This hands-free process enhances safety and sanitation of our product.

Please  visit Sanitary Napkin  for more information.